We know that every company or organisation is unique and has specific training requirements. It is our goal to bring to our clients the most efficient solutions possible, and thus to offer them tailor-made development projects according to their needs. This is done by modifying the already-existing development products of Maxman Consultants according to the client´s specific needs and requirements or by creating a completely new programme based on a discussion with the client. A customised project can thus ensure compliance of the development project with the unique company culture of the client, its strategy, philosophy and goals. The pace and content of individual development blocks is then adapted on the spot, depending on the group of people, so as to take into consideration the advancement level and style of the participants. We also try to adjust the training form to the needs of the client and the specific participants. Therefore, besides classical presentation trainings, we use also our own, internally developed video-zone platform and virtual lecture room where participants are taught through expert videos, webinars or pre-work and where the emphasis is put on the use of several tools and techniques, i.e. blended learning. We spare no effort making out trainings practical, with immediate use of the knowledge. We, therefore, try to balance the ratio of practical experiments and theoretical lecturing at the level of 80 / 20. Thanks to this approach, participants have the opportunity to put individual techniques immediately into test, get professional feedback and experience their effect themselves.